How to change language

Japanese -> English

1.Make sure LiveShell 2 is offline and the home screen is displayed. The home screen has a power icon and a spanner icon.

2.Press the upper right button, then go to “設定”(Configuration).

3. Select  “言語”(language) by pushing the lower right or left button, then press the upper right button.
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4. Select ”English” by pushing the lower right or left button, then press the upper right button.
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English -> Japanese

1.Make sure LiveShell 2 is offline and the home screen is displayed. The home screen has a power icon and a spanner icon.

2. Press the upper right button, then go to “Configuration”.
a-1-768x244 b-1-768x248

3. Select  “language” by pushing the lower right or left button, then press the upper right button.
b c

4. Select “日本語” by pushing the lower right or left button, then press the upper right button.
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