Confirm that your LiveShell’s firmware has been updated to the latest version. Keep the following points in mind when broadcasting using RTMP settings.
- The recording function is not available.
- The number of viewers will remain 0.
- Program IDs will be displayed as the program names and incompatible services will be blank.
- The player URL will be displayed instead of the shortened URL, and incompatible services will be blank.
Configuring the RTMP Setting
- Click on “Setting” at top right in the Dashboard of Main Panel.
- Select “Other broadcasting services”.
- Enter the “Broadcasting RTMP URL” and “Stream” name, then click on “Save”.
“Browsing RTMP URL” is optional.
eg.) If you use the most basic server that exclude the security risk.- Broadcasting RTMP URL: rtmp://
- Stream: MyStream
- Browsing RTMP URL: rtmp://
- “Saved” message is displayed, indicating that the broadcast destination has been changed.
Change back to Ustream
- Open the “setting” panel.
- Select “Ustream”.
- Confirm the username on Ustream and channel and click “Broadcast this service”.
- Confirming message is displayed, indicating that the broadcast destination has been changed back to Ustream.